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Thursday, January 20, 2011

Food Of The Week: Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a great product. You can use it for many things and its all natural too. Some of the things its good for are, putting on pancakes, waffles, crumpets, french toast, and oatmeal, for making breads, cakes, muffins, donuts, buns, and many other things. Maple syrup is a all natural sweetener and is a great alternative to other sweeteners. Maple syrup production is mainly in north-eastern North America, such as Vermont, and Quebec. Maple syrup comes from the sap of the sugar maple, red maple , or black maple trees. In colder climates the maple trees store starch inside the tree during the winter, and turns into sap in the spring. Quebec, Canada produces most of the world's maple syrup supply. Maple syrup is also made in other countries and continents such as, Japan and South Korea. Also it is traditional in South Korea to eat maple sap which they call "gorosoe" instead of making it into syrup.

Organic maple syrup is even better than all natural maple syrup because it was made with no pesticides or anything unnatural. There are many products made from maple syrup such as, maple cream, maple sugar, and maple candy. There is also a diet/detox called The Master Cleanser Detox Diet, which was created by Stanley Burroughs in 1941, which is still very popular to this day. Which involves mixing Organic Grade B Maple Syrup, fresh lemon juice, and cayenne pepper, and then drinking it. I personally would not do it because I think that the combination just sounds absolutely disgusting; but thats just me it works for some people and for some it does not. Overall maple syrup is a very useful food, is very versitale, and tastes delicious too! Here are some links to websites featuring and about maple syrup.

Organic Maple Candy
Maple Valley Organic Maple Candy

Organic Maple Sugar
Maple Valley Organic Maple Sugar
Canadian Organic Maple Sugar

Organic Maple Cream
Canadian Organic Maple Cream/Spread
Maple Valley Organic Maple Cream

Organic Maple Syrup
Organic Maple Syrup From Pennsylvania From Oldstate Farms
Maple Valley Organic Grade A Maple Syrup

The Master Cleanser
The Master Cleanse

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