As all of you know, we are pretty big fans of Santa Cruz Organic products, and especially their lemonades!
We have reviewed many of their products, especially their lemonades previously, such as their peach, and classic lemonades. Santa Cruz Organic has previously provided unique takes, on classic beverages, that turn out to be absolutely delectable, will this time be the same?
In short, yes.
Now, while many would not associate mangos, and lemonade together, the people at Santa Cruz Organic did, and made this unique beverage, now let's hear about the taste!
Upon first sip, you can tell that this beverage has mango, yet it is not overpowering, it is more subtle. The lemon melds with the mango, and they complement each other perfectly, and they map this delicious, and authentic lemonade drink.
This is one of the things I really love about Santa Cruz Organic is their ingenuity, and creativity. They create unique flavors of beverages, with wholesome products, and in turn create delicious, and delectable products! And they never use my mortal enemy... HCFS!
I will buy this wonderful product again, and you should all too!