Whole Foods Market Green Apple Italian Soda is a very unique soda. I love green apples in general. And to combine two of my favorite things into one product is extraordinary! So, when I heard about this, I just had to buy it. This soda has a very interesting flavor, it tastes almost like a green apple Jolly Rancher, but better. Another great plus is that it's sweetened with sugar! And is all natural. When Whole Foods Market says Italian Soda, they mean it, this soda is actually bottled in Rimini, Italy, by La Galvanina, an Italian sparkling water company.
This has a sweet, yet tart flavor. But, it has a slight, strange under taste, at least to me, but it was very subtle. I was disappointed in the slight under taste, but it's not very noticeable. Also, the bottle was smaller thanninahd hoped, i had two large glasses of this soda, with ice, and the bottle was finished. I would like for them to make the bottles larger, because I ant get enough of this soda! Hopefully, they can get rid of the under taste, but if not, that's ok. I would recommend this soda, to anyone out there. And so, I give this a A 8.5 out of 10!